download
original
'bout
'cause
'til
(mm)
(that's
a
already
am
are
b-be
baby,
beep-beep,
best
bi-,
bitch
bitch,
bored
but
clothes
come
didn't
ditch
do
don't
don't,
earned
engine
even
even,
every
eyes
fell
first
for
from
funny)
get
gi-give
give
good
heaven,
hurt
i
i'm
i've
in,
it
joy-joy-joy
joyride
joyride,
just
keep
kids?
kinky,
label
life
like
looking
loser,
love
make
makin'
man?
me
me?
mother
motherfucker
my
night
no,
of
oh,
on
outside
party
purr
rev
rich,
right
road
say
shit
so
sucks,
that
the
this
time
to
tonight
try
turn
want
wearing
well,
you
your
tags